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COMM 333 Brand Analysis

This video blog post is for my COMM 333 Persuasion class at Old Dominion University. I was tasked with analyzing five different advertisements from a brand of my choosing while focusing on motivational appeals. This assignment was interesting to say the least. You do not really notice just how many brands and commercials that are trying to appeal to viewers. For my presentation, I concentrated on the luxury car brand BMW. I felt that their commercials appeal to the viewers by being exciting, funny, emotional, and so on. I enjoyed analyzing this brand and applying what I learned in this course. This was a real-world example and I believe that it helped me see just how brands rely on their advertisements to appeal to viewers/ potential customers or even customers who are already loyal to them.


BMW. (2019, Feb. 27). The all-new BMW 3 Series. [Video file]. Retrieved from

BMW. (2019, May 22). Retirement is about exploring your wide open future. [Video file]. Retrieved from

BMW. (2020, May 26). Lead the way you change. The new BMW 5 Series sedan. [Video file]. Retrieved from

BMW. (2022, Feb. 8). Zeus & Hera. [Video file]. Retrieved from

BMW. (2022, Nov. 1). Holidays are here! [Video file]. Retrieved from

Gass, R.H. & Seiter, J.S. (2014). Persuasion: Social Influence and Compliance Gaining (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

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